Return on Sales Investment in a Challenging Future

In a business world where organizations tend to look for answers in the practices of other organizations, SalesGlobe recognizes that the best sales effectiveness answers come from:
- Understanding the relevant analytics and the real problems we’re solving for.
- Getting insight on the driving factors in our economic future.
- Debating and developing ideas with other great peer thinkers.
As a data-driven, creative problem-solving firm, SalesGlobe chartered the Future of Sales Think Tank to bring together an exclusive group of thinkers to share their insights and help one another explore the future of sales and solutions for their businesses to improve their Return on Sales Investment.
The Future of Sales Think Tank meets to conduct in-depth discussions on topics they select. For each topic, the group explores challenges, objectives, factors, practices, and future options
FOCUSED ON LOOKING AHEAD at challenges and indicators to pre-think and rethink solutions for Return on Sales Investment so its members can lead their organizations to pull ahead in their markets.
AN ENVIRONMENT to understand the business, economic, and social drivers that can affect your Return on Sales Investment in a challenging world.
AN EXPLORATION with your executive peers and thought leaders to provide fuel for solutions for your business.
A FORWARD-THINKING GROUP who is envisioning what’s ahead to break new ground.
A MOVING BENCHMARK to the market that can help you know where you stand and how you can outpace your competition.

If you are interested in learning more or being considered to join the Future of Sales Think Tank, please contact Zach Rosenblum at zrosenblum@salesglobe.com.
In an uncertain economy, improving ROSI (Return on Sales Investment) will be a financial and productivity differentiator in the market. This includes knowing the answers to the questions:
- What is our current ROSI for the front line, management, and other expenses and investments?
- Are we getting the sales we’re paying for and how does that differ for new customer and product revenue vs. current customer retention?
- Where are our sales resources focusing their time?
- How can we improve pipeline velocity and throughput?
- What is the impact of sales talent?
- Where should we be increasing or decreasing headcount?
- What sales investments and expenses will give us the highest return?
- How can we better align incentives to increase strategic alignment and return?
- What’s our fastest path to higher ROSI in a challenging economy?
- How can we implement a practical plan that will improve ROSI in the near-term?
In a rapidly evolving market like 2023, the data-driven creative problem solvers, who can leverage market and company insight to develop and operate differentiated solutions, will be the winners.
In a business world where organizations tend to look for answers in the practices of other organizations, SalesGlobe recognizes that the best sales effectiveness answers come from:
- Understanding the relevant analytics and the real problems we’re solving for.
- Getting insight on the driving factors in our economic future.
- Debating and developing ideas with other great peer thinkers.
As a data-driven, creative problem-solving firm, SalesGlobe chartered the Future of Sales Think Tank to bring together an exclusive group of thinkers to share their insights and help one another explore the future of sales and solutions for their businesses to improve their Return on Sales Investment.
FOCUSED ON LOOKING AHEAD at challenges and indicators to pre-think and rethink solutions for Return on Sales Investment so its members can lead their organizations to pull ahead in their markets.
AN ENVIRONMENT to understand the business, economic, and social drivers that can affect your Return on Sales Investment in a challenging world.
AN EXPLORATION with your executive peers and thought leaders to provide fuel for solutions for your business.
A FORWARD-THINKING GROUP who is envisioning what’s ahead to break new ground.
A MOVING BENCHMARK to the market that can help you know where you stand and how you can outpace your competition.
The Future of Sales Think Tank meets quarterly to deep dive on topics they select. For each topic, the group explores challenges, objectives, factors, practices, and future options.
If you are interested in learning more or being considered to join the Future of Sales Think Tank, please contact Zach Rosenblum at zrosenblum@salesglobe.com.
In a rapidly evolving market, the future of sales will favor the data-driven creative problem solvers. Looking at history is history.
In a business world where organizations tend to look for answers in the practices of other organizations, SalesGlobe recognizes that the best sales effectiveness answers come from:
- Understanding the real problems we’re solving for.
- Getting insight on the driving factors that are changing sales in a post-COVID world.
- Creatively solving those problems along with great thinkers.
SalesGlobe is a data-driven, creative problem-solving firm for sales. We chartered the SalesGlobe Future of Sales Think Tank to bring together an exclusive group of thinkers to share their insights and help one another explore the future of sales and solutions for go-to-market challenges for their businesses.
Far from the common “share groups” that recite current practices, the Future of Sales Think Tank is not about peeking under the hoods of other organizations. The Future of Sales Think Tank is focused on looking ahead to use Sales Design ThinkingSM to pre-think and rethink sales so its members can lead thinking in their organizations and pull ahead in their markets.
AN ENVIRONMENT to understand the business, economic, and social drivers that can affect the post-COVID future of sales and go-to-market.
AN EXPLORATION with your executive peers and thought leaders to find solutions for your business.
A FORWARD-THINKING GROUP who is breaking new ground and envisioning what’s ahead.
A MOVING BENCHMARK to the market, beyond your company and industry that can help you know where you stand and how you can outpace your competition.
Invited members are thinkers and action-takers in their organizations and represent a range of leading companies.
The Future of Sales Think Tank meets quarterly to deep dive on topics they select. For each topic, the group explores challenges, objectives, factors, practices, and future options.
Example Topic Areas:
- Market Priorities
- Go-to-Market Strategy
- Market Opportunity Insight
- Segmentation & Targeting
- Sales Organization Design
- Sales Talent
- Sales Process & Pipeline
- Sales Compensation
- Quotas
- Competitive Intelligence
- Voice of the Customer
- Market Priorities
- Go-to-Market Strategy
- Market Opportunity Insight
- Segmentation & Targeting
- Sales Organization Design
- Sales Talent
- Sales Process & Pipeline
- Sales Compensation
- Quotas
- Competitive Intelligence
- Voice of the Customer
If you are interested in learning more or being considered to join the Future of Sales Think Tanks, please contact Tricia Burns at tburns@salesglobe.com.