The SalesGlobe Future of Sales Think Tank Atlanta Live!
Join the Roundtable
We’re taking the SalesGlobe Roundtable from virtual to in-person in Roswell.

395 South Atlanta Street, Suite 130
Roswell, GA 30075
Wednesday June 23, 2022
10:00AM - 12:00PM EST

It’s a great opportunity to share ideas around sales effectiveness with your peers and create some new relationships.
We’re taking the SalesGlobe Roundtable from virtual to in-person in Roswell.
It’s a great opportunity to share ideas around sales effectiveness with your peers and create some new relationships.
395 South Atlanta Street, Suite 130
Roswell, GA 30075
June 23, 2022
10:00AM - 12:00PM EDT
In a rapidly evolving market, the future of sales will favor those that are looking ahead and taking decisive action. Looking at history is history.
In a business world where organizations tend to look for answers in the practices of other organizations, SalesGlobe recognizes that the best sales effectiveness answers come from:
- Understanding the real problems we’re solving for.
- Getting insight on the driving factors that are changing sales in a post-COVID world.
- Creatively solving those problems along with great thinkers.
In this session, we’ll be concentrating on some topics related to sales compensation, roles, and talent that include:
- The War for Talent - Employee value proposition and attracting and retaining the right people.
- Compensation - Ideas for addressing pay compression and aligning pay to performance.
- Transitioning to Everything-as-a-Service.
- New Sales Roles. Is hybrid really a factor of sales and is the inside sales COE coming back?
- M&A Integration for Sales. Top challenges from roles to cross-sell to incentive plans.
In a rapidly evolving market, the future of sales will favor the data-driven creative problem solvers. Looking at history is history.
In a business world where organizations tend to look for answers in the practices of other organizations, SalesGlobe recognizes that the best sales effectiveness answers come from:
- Understanding the real problems we’re solving for
- Getting insight on the driving factors that are changing sales in a post-COVID world
- Creatively solving those problems along with great thinkers
In this session, we’ll be concentrating on some topics related to sales compensation, roles, and talent that include:
- The War for Talent- Employee value proposition and attracting and retaining the right people.
- Transitioning the Cloud Sales. Roles and compensation.
- New Sales Roles. Is hybrid really a factor of sales and is the inside sales COE coming back?
- Motivating Sales with Supply Chain Constraints. The balance of rewarding the team and fulfilling customer demand.
- M&A Integration for Sales. Top challenges from roles to cross-sell to incentive plans.
- What’s Happening with Pay Mix and Upside? Driving the right behaviors and customer experience in a competitive environment.
- Additional Topics Proposed by the Members.